
Man On a Mission.

I've been blessed to lead an extraordinary life. Now, I want to to help others find their extraordinary.

Learn more
a message for everyone

Small teams, large groups, and speaking events

During my 40 years in the pet industry, I've worked with teams of every size. I've spent time with both small and large groups, helping to grow others both inside the board room and out. I've also had the opportunity to share my story at with larger audiences at speaking engagements, like Booked Naples.

My message is for everyone.

Everyone seeking their purpose.
Everyone with the tenacity to change.
Everyone with the perseverance to keep going.

to end the what ifs

I'm on a mission

My mission is to share my message with as many people as I can.

To help others take their lives from ordinary, to extraordinary, by finding their voice.

What if you were smart enough?
What if you were good enough?
What if you were confident enough.

Stop asking what if. Start saying I am.

help me share my message

I'm here for your team

I want to bring my message to you and your team. From intimate conference room settings to full-scale speaking events, I'm an expert and thought leader in:

  • Lifestyle Changes and Self Improvement
  • Teambuilding and Empowerment
  • Faith and Family
Let's talk

Not convinced I can have an impact? Let me show you.

What are you looking for? Let me help you find it.
Watch my talk, Finding Greater Fulfillment in Life, as part of Booked Naples 2022.

ready to talk?

Feed the flame.

Fuel your fire with the resources to keep it burning, straight to your inbox.

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