July 6, 2024

Great Leaders Teach and Yearn to be Taught

Great leaders don't just value education, they encourage, consume, and actively seek educational opportunities for themselves and their teams.

Far too often leaders become complacent or self-absorbed as they forget that education is one of the most important keys to success. They come to believe that they have “seen it all” and as such “have all the answers”. Further, they fail to recognize the importance of both formal and informal education.

Great Leaders Value Learning

Great leaders are huge fans of education. Leaders use failures and victories alike as teachable moments. They find ways to creatively ensure their team and its individual members learn from their failures and their accomplishments. They apply this learning to living and breathing educational tools that can be used long into the future.

Great Leaders Know Everyone Learns Differently

Leaders are always looking for creative ways to educate. They are particularly adept at teaching others how to adopt learning from key experiences and opportunities or hurdles. What worked in one situation, may not be the perfect solution to another.

Further, they are zealots for formal team member education, always on the lookout for assignment appropriate, formal education programs. They don't just look for programming, they also ensure that each year ample funding is allocated for their teams to access these programs.

Great Leaders are Willing to Learn

As with great teachers, great leaders must not only be willing to be educated, seeking out opportunities to enhance their own breadth of education. They are inquisitive, constantly challenging the experts nitty gritty of the details to find new solutions. I personally believe that a day that a leader does not learn something, is a day lost.  

Great Leaders Actively Seek Learning Opportunities

Great leaders are always looking for opportunities to learn. They are adept at seeking the lesson in all scenarios. Leaders who identify and encourage learning among their team, will see exponential growth in both performance and confidence.

Every leader should insist on a robust formal educational program as part of their annual plan. This, coupled with a leader driven culture of continuous education will deliver astounding results both in the work, and in your people.

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